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How to link up current Sage 200 transactions with all your legacy data

Without access to past transactions, your Sage reports aren’t giving you the full story

When you made the decision to switch to Sage 200, you knew it was going to be a challenge. Sage 200 is a highly sophisticated system. Tailoring it to meet your business needs is time consuming, the installation process is disruptive to day to day working and it takes a lot of time – and costs – to train staff up. Frankly, it’s a difficult and expensive exercise. On top of all that pain is the added trauma that you lose ready access to your legacy data, with generally only one computer kept alive to allow access. With such limited visibility on what happened in the past, you find yourself making key decisions with only current performance to go on. Somehow, you just know you are not getting the best out of your Sage 200 reports, or your investment in time and money.

Giving you self-service Sage reports

With Octelas business intelligence software installed, we can change all of that. We give you exactly the Sage self-service reports you really want. We do this by taking a snapshot of all the data sitting in your old system and then use this archive copy to seamlessly marry up the old transactions with your Sage transactions. You get all Sage reports you want, tailored to your exact needs and just as detailed and transparent as if the switchover had never happened.

Octelas, the one-stop shop for your Sage reports

Our Octelas product is all you need for self-service Sage reports. Not only that, we link up the data from your Sage software with all your data sources – including spreadsheets – to a single database stored on your equipment or cloud server. We set up all the business intelligence reports you need – including your Sage reports – and our data analysts will keep on looking after you so you get the information you need every day, in just one click. With a fixed set-up cost and a simple monthly fee, you always know exactly where you stand with us.
To find out more, check us out at and contact us for a demo or call us on 01908 410480 and let us tell you how we can help you get the knowledge you need, every day, from your business systems.